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Become a Member

Thank you for your kind support for FoDK. We offer all our supporters, whether you are a financial donor, volunteer food deliverer, maker, or giver, the opportunity to become a member.


As you may know Friends of Di’s Kitchen came about in honour of our friend Dianne Henry who used to manage a team of volunteers to make and serve a healthy 3-course meal each Thursday at the Tabernacle Baptist Church for anyone in need of sustenance, be it physical, mental or spiritual.


Our dear friend Di sadly passed away in October 2018 and that original service eventually moved first to St Andrew’s Church in Whitmore Reans but is now operating as a delivery service from our team leader’s 5-star rated kitchen in Penn.  Jan Kellond now runs the service with some of the original volunteers but many more new volunteers and donors. The aim is still the same, to serve a healthy balanced meal to our guests each Thursday. Of course what a crazy year it’s been. Numbers have grown and grown and what was previously catering for 60 guests weekly has grown to over 600 across the city per week. We could never have predicted such an increase and it certainly offers some challenges!


This larger service takes quite some planning and a lot of goodwill; we are always amazed by people’s generosity and kindness.  So, THANK YOU!


What does it mean to be a member?


You will be invited to the AGM and of course, welcome at any time, to make suggestions to the management team for improvements to the service or opportunities for funding or other recommendations useful to the organisation. Your contact details will be recorded and 3 weeks before the AGM you will be sent a report of the year’s work and finances.  Membership is open to


  • Volunteers of FoDK - including those who prepare food in their own homes

  • Those who collect donations for FoDK through FareShare Go or other organisations

  • Those who donate food to FoDK

  • Those who make financial donations to FoDK


If you would like to be a member, please send your contact details to or text 07974641990 with how you wish to be contacted.


If you would like to become a regular donor to our organisation, we finally have our own HSBC bank account for FODK and would be happy to furnish you with the account details or ways to donate.


If you want a copy of the FODK organisation constitution or financial rules please contact as above.

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